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2D All the way! / Probs: Music Glitchy & Arrays

Megaman X Gold
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Joined: 29th Jun 2003
Location: Canada
Posted: 1st Jul 2003 23:56
I know how Arrays work in JavaScript and in PHP, but those are both internet-based programming languages and as far as I've seen, Arrays in DBPro don't seem to be so simple and great...while that WAS what I was hoping it was (lol). most important problem right now is that I wanted to use arrays and sub-arrays (if having arrays inside arrays are possible) to have the values for my program to build the levels of my game. But I don't have the slightest clue of how they work.

Could someone try explaining this for me? Maybe either by trying to explain in the simplest terms possible so it's clear, or by giving me a few examples that are well commented in?

I'd greatly appreciate it, thank you.


MP3s for music...this is my other problem. While in the program with an MP3 playin' away, from time to time it glitches and sounds like absolute crap for a moment. And this happens far to often to be anywhere NEAR acceptable. I can't be putting great music into something that's going to make it sound like pure crap, because not even I would play something like that for very long, even though I want to be the one that makes the damn thing.

Anyhow, is there some trick to perhaps devoted more resources to get the music to play flawlessly? Because I've never seen any program have this type of glitch, so why should programs coming out of DBPro have that kind of glitch? Thank you very much. ^-^

Life is more like a box of Grenades. Throw the pin instead of the grenade, and it blows up in your face...along with the rest still beside you.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 19:26
arrays in arrays is possible-its called a multidimensional array
indi does a great explanation of this i'll try and find a link for you.

hi guys
Megaman X Gold
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Joined: 29th Jun 2003
Location: Canada
Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 21:19
Thank you! *turns into a gaming sprite, steals Mario's Mushrooms, fries 'me up real good and gives you teh bestest homemade Cream of Mushroom super ever made*

^-^ lol. In other, less insanely driven, words...'tis appreciated.

Life is more like a box of Grenades. Throw the pin instead of the grenade, and it blows up in your face...along with the rest still beside you.

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