I created a door object, and it has an animation with the door opening. I wrote the fpe and fps files myself, and everything appears correctly, except for the animations. I exported the object from max to a .x format using pandasoft exporter, and said there were 15 frames of animation, because that's what it is when the door opens. But, using the makeentityfromxfile, it says that you put double that for a door, because the system will rewind the animation for the other 30 frames, the door closing. So, I put 0,30 in the fpe script, for the 15 opening, and 15 closing. I'm wondering if I have to actually animate the door closing, or if there's a problem with my .fpe. Here's the fpe file, please take a look and let me know if I did anything wrong. Thanks.
Fpe File:
;Entity Spec
desc = slidingdoor_a
aiinit = appear1.fpi
aimain = autodoor.fpi
aidestroy = disappear1.fpi
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = meshbank\user\slidingdoor_a.x
offx = 0
offy = 50
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
materialindex = 2
soundset = audiobank\scifi\scenery\doors\lock.wav
soundset1 = audiobank\scifi\scenery\doors\close.wav
textured = texturebank\user\slidingdoor_a_D2.tga
effect = effectbank\bumpent\bumpent.fx
;identity Details
strength = 0
isimmobile = 1
animmax = 1
anim0 = 0,30