Data/Read are more for the storing of collections of built in data. A simple example that comes to mind would be storing a list of names or 'special' words within your game.
Once you have them within an array you can search/delete/change/add more as your program continues. A lot more flexible than keeping such information in variables.
While this example is pretty small, and could certainly be done without the use of read/data. Imagine if you had 100, 500 or 1000 bits of data you needed to store inside your program..
Dim NamesList$(10)
` read the default name list
For LP=1 to 10
read Name$
next lp
` display the name list
For lp=1 to 10
print NamesList$(lp)
next lp
` find a name
For lp =0 to 10
if NamesList$(lp)=SearchForWord$ then FoundIndex=LP: exit
next lp
if FoundIndex=-1
print "Nope didn't find this word"
print "Yep I found this word at: "+str$(FoundIndex)
wait key
Data "bill"
Data "dude"
Data "smith"
Data "wobble"
Data "hello"
Data "world"
Data "how"
Data "many"
Data "more"
Data "do"
Data "i"
Data "need"
Kevin Picone