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2D All the way! / 2D Examples?

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Joined: 22nd Jun 2003
Posted: 8th Jul 2003 02:10 Edited at: 8th Jul 2003 02:11
Is there someplace, or anyone that has, any 2D examples(Source code)? Any kind, it doenst matter. I just want to take a look at the source code, and try and learn from it. Complete games would be ideal. I've been looking around, but can only find DBC source code, and I can't get it work in DBP.

I've been racking my brains trying to learn just by doing, without really knowing.

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Location: United States
Posted: 8th Jul 2003 03:05
what is DBC? :-s

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Posted: 8th Jul 2003 03:51
Sorry, Darkbasic Classic.

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Joined: 22nd Jun 2003
Location: United States
Posted: 9th Jul 2003 06:29
What sort of 2D?

I've programmed quite a bit in 2D

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Posted: 9th Jul 2003 09:26 Edited at: 9th Jul 2003 09:28
Well, I'm trying to make a side scroller game. So an example of that would be perfect. I'm having a hard time understanding how to paste several sprites in order to build the map. I know I have to use an array, but without a working example I'm lost.

The game I'm trying to make is simular to ghost house (Sega master system):

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Posted: 9th Jul 2003 12:15
Is ghosthouse the game where there was a vampire boss at the end of every (or just 1) level?

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Posted: 9th Jul 2003 12:50
Well your terminology to 'paste several sprites' gives me cause for concern. You actually 'Paste several images' which you probably already know, but I wanted to make sure.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2003 15:23
who didnt know what dbc was

yay i got db going again, now i can work on all these isometric games
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Posted: 9th Jul 2003 21:49 Edited at: 9th Jul 2003 21:50
Ghost house had several vampires per level. 3 on the first one I think, and the number increased to 5 as you progress through the levels. Never got past level 9 which I think was the last level.

Yes thats what I ment: `Paste Several images'.

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