If FPI is a babe, then I do believe the modders have been giving it some serious steroids.
The source is surprisingly easy to modify for some little effects, once you know where everything is programmed. That may sound weird, but it's like Airslide mentioned. Entity timers LITERALLY require no more than 11 lines of code. And thsoe lines aren't even very long! Here, I'll show you:
etimer as integer
#constant AIACTETIMERSTART 84756
if entityelement(e).etimer-timer() <= aiconditionseq(seq).value then airesult=0
entityelement(e).etimer = timer()
Of course, where ever there's a "..." that means there's a bunch of code in between the lines. However, to add a script command, no matter what it is, is done the same way, altering the same spots, adding to the same sections. You do it once, you'll be able to do again even easier just as long as you remember where the lines went.
The above code is actually how I made the etimer commands in my mod. No more code was needed than what was shown.
It was unusually easy to do, and yet... Lee hasn't done it. I think everyone here who scripts absolutely NEEDS the entity (or "local") timers.
With that... I'm going to go ahead and say, "There's just some things that should be modded instead of worked around." I mean, aside from the time it takes to compile, modding the source for this kind of addition is WAY faster and simpler than working around it using the FPI language given to you.
Quite sad, really.
Yes... yes it is.
No, it's not funny how simple it is to do some things that tons of people have wanted for a long time, and yet... we haven't seen it in any of the updates thus far.
@Scene Commander:
Originality comes in many forms in the gaming world, IMHO. Originality can come from your game idea or from your art style or from some specific gameplay mechanics that can still be achieved with the normal FPI language or even from the story you've given to your game. But... some gaming mechanics desired by many of the FPSC users here can only be achieved through modifying the source. In that sense, yes, they would have to alter the engine to make their original concept come true.
And yes, it is very frustrating indeed.
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