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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Standard interface for Graphics and sound selection.

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Joined: 29th Sep 2002
Posted: 29th Oct 2002 11:49
Have anyone made a standard screen where you can choose which graphic resolution and features for example T&L you want to activate through the application. Also maybe choose the sound volume and type? Like in most common games. I think that would be a great help for new programmers to be able to make a good frame for their applications.
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 29th Oct 2002 17:20
Well, I've got a DLL that lets you select the graphics card and resolution. I've also got one that sets the music and sfx volume.

Choosing the sound card and things, is, if I remember correctly rather annoying as there are callbacks called for each card found.

Yes, I really am THAT good...
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Joined: 29th Sep 2002
Posted: 30th Oct 2002 11:15
Is this DLL somthing officially available ?
Or is it some part of a tool package, In other words. I'm interested in testing it
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 30th Oct 2002 12:55
Well, its officially availiable from me...

...As the number of parameters that can be passed is still 5/6, I need to modify the DLL so all the parameters can actually be passed.

Give me a few days or so, and I'll let you know when its ready.

Yes, I really am THAT good...

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