ExtraGUI is a new GUI I have in development, created in C++ as a plugin for DBPro, hopefully later to be ported to DarkGDK.
ExtraGUI DOES NOT use windows to create its controls, they are entirely drawn using Direct3D!
Most of the plugin is complete, but it uses LUA scripting for the controls, which are nowhere near complete! Also, more themes are needed for the final product.
Attached is a trial version of the plugin, fully functional, but it will display a logo, change the caption of the window, and close after two minutes of being run.
Two example LUA controls, and a few themes are included.
Here is a resized screenshot of the GUI using the XP Silver theme included:
XP Blue:
XP Olive Green:
Please help me get rid of any bugs by downloading and testing it!
Please emphasize on testing any errors that are not handled by the plugin correctly.
Included in the download:
- Example DBPro project
- Example LUA Window control
- Example LUA Button control
- Trial version of ExtraGUI
- Keywords file
- LUA Command list
- .ini theme file with sub-themes: Classic, XP Blue, XP Olive Green, XP Silver
- GUI Media
To test you will need:
- DBPro compiler
- It will help to have a basic knowledge of LUA
- A computer...
To install:
- Extract all files to a folder
- Move the ExtraGUI.dll file to your DBPro root -> Compiler -> plugins-user folder
- Move the ExtraGUI_keywords.ini file to your DBPro root -> Editor -> Keywords folder
To compile:
- Just open Test1.dbpro and click compile and run!
Enjoy the trial, and please post constructive criticism and possible bugs!