The old saying
"If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all" applies to this community. In other words, if someone's asked a question that has been asked/answered many times over; either help them out, or don't respond.
Posts that include something to the effect of "Read the Manual", "Do a Search", "Stop pushing our relevant threads down", etc.; will no longer be tolerated. This community needs to understand that new people are in fact welcomed here. If you feel the need to use the FPSC Boards as a form of personal therapy, by putting others down or berating them for asking a question...then you need to find a new home.
If someone has issue with a particular thread or an FPSC Mod about it. Don't bash the person (aka start a flamewar) openly.
If your "relevant thread" gets bumped to page 2; simply enter a post like "I still need help with this problem", etc. That will bring it back up.
Again....this is now the
RULE here, please abide by it or leave.