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Newcomers DBPro Corner / UFO Remake

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Posted: 29th Oct 2002 18:12
Hi folks

Well, it came a great idea to my mind just a couple months ago!How about to make something like a legendary UFO:Enemy Unknown remake??? I was very upset by that idea until I knew that I have definately no time for doing such a thing.

Anyway,d main problem was that I have no idea how to make and where to start?
Would some1 have any suggestions?Where should I have a look for some sources?

Super Teo
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Posted: 29th Oct 2002 22:32
Good Idea, UFO is great!

There are some articles about 2d isometric game engines there that could help you some.
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Posted: 30th Oct 2002 00:39
Try a 3d modelling program to actually make your UFO.
Anim8or [url] [/url] is good, it's free and is easy to use and you can download tutorials for it.

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Posted: 5th Nov 2002 11:29
I thought about this myself - because I loved the original game. Its a great idea to do and I like to see what you achieve.

How I would go about it: First I'd choose between keeping with the original isometric view or converting it to 3D. Then I'd use a 2D editing program to grab the textures from some screenshots of the game.
Then using those textures I'd start on a level designer for it...

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Posted: 5th Nov 2002 14:34
The problem I found with UFO was it was turn based, I'd want to see a real time game, rather like Syndicate was, the only downside is doing all the AI on the fly instead of each turn.

I for one would love to see a Syndicate game, 2D scrolling on DB was quite rough which always prevented me from doing full blown 2D scrollers, anyone tried it on DBPro yet?

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Posted: 5th Nov 2002 22:26
What is wrong with turn based strategy games? The computer can use more time for AI, so the aliens are much harder to capture.
BTW: UFO-Enemy unknown is great. There is also a ZX Spectrum version (unfortunaly in russian), and it is great too.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2002 02:34

Nothing wrong at all with turn based strategy games, just I personally always prefer real time.

UFO was and still is a kick arse turn based game, just I think it would've kicked more arse being real time.

The only problem I have on doing 2D games on DBPro is lack of 2D scrolling support, I could probably whack something up using Memblocks, but the work involved sorta kills my enthusiasm to code 2D.

DB Team, please add some 'scroll' commands.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2002 17:27
thankz palz
yet have to think it all's not an easy job to remake a whole game into 3D.yes, grabbing textures from original game would be fine but problem is that they're gonna of a low won't look very'd be so "pixel-ish" in 3d.i suppose, that it's necessary to make it look more 3d and use more colors.

well that's another chapter...

feel free to post sugestions


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