I was finding with force fields that it look like you could have one set up and applied it to all the object that you wanted having that force, seem not I've ended up making a field for each object.
If I read you right load is make. Yes.
Ho Ho try this it works like Hoozer says.
Rem Project: phybowls
Rem Created: 27/06/2008 17:41:19
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
REM Project: DISH
REM Created: 11/25/2006 3:39:53 PM
REM ***** Main Source File *****
sync on
sync rate 0
Randomize timer()
autocam off
phy start
GLOBAL Ground = 1
GLOBAL Dish1 = 2
GLOBAL Dish2 = 3
GLOBAL Dish3 = 4
GLOBAL TextTimer
GLOBAL Ball = 5
GLOBAL Ballsize# = .15
GLOBAL BallRes = 8
make object box Ground, 10, 0.3, 10
position object Ground, 0, -0.5, 0
phy make rigid body static box Ground
color object Ground, rgb( 0, 255, 0 )
MakeObjectDish( Dish1, 1.5,50 ,80)
position object Dish1, 0,1,2
phy load rigid body dynamic mesh Dish1,"dish1.x",0
color object Dish1, RGB(185,152,121)
MakeObjectDish( Dish2, 1.0,190 ,98)
position object Dish2, 0,1,0
phy load rigid body dynamic mesh Dish2,"dish2.x",0
color object Dish2, RGB(185,152,121)
MakeObjectDish( Dish3, 1.5,100 ,95)
position object Dish3, 0,1,-2
phy load rigid body dynamic mesh Dish3,"dish3.x",0
color object Dish3, RGB(185,152,121)
position camera 0, -4,2,-4
point camera 0, 0,0,0
if timer() > TextTimer then PrintText()
text 10,20, "FPS : "+ str$(screen FPS())
text 10,30, "OBJECTS : "+ str$(BALL)
text 10,60, "Press space key to drop balls"
if spacekey() then MakeSphere()
phy update
Function PrintText()
textTimer = timer()+100
Function ControlCamera()
if shiftkey() then position camera 0, camera position x(), camera position y ()+.1, camera position z()
if controlkey() then position camera 0, camera position x(), camera position y ()-.1, camera position z()
function MakeSphere()
inc Ball,1
make object sphere Ball, Ballsize#, BallRes,BallRes
position object ball, rnd(100)/500,rnd(10),(rnd(2)-1)*2
color object ball, rgb (rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255))
phy make rigid body dynamic sphere ball
function MakeObjectDish( ObjectNumber, Diameter#,Height#, Thickness# )
`A function to make a dish object
' #height is a percentage of the dia used to shape bowl
' #Thickness is a percentage of the dia used to control wall of bowl
Thickness# = Thickness# / 100
Rows = 16 `Set detail level
Columns = 16
make object sphere ObjectNumber, Diameter#, Rows, Columns
scale object Objectnumber ,100,Height#,100 ' deform to height
lock vertexdata for limb ObjectNumber, 0, 1
for Vertex = 0 to get VertexData Vertex Count()
`Get the vertex's current position
xPosition# = get VertexData Position X( Vertex )
yPosition# = get VertexData Position Y( Vertex )
zPosition# = get VertexData Position Z( Vertex )
if yPosition# > 0
set VertexData Position Vertex, xPosition# * Thickness#, -yPosition# * Thickness# , zPosition# * Thickness#
set VertexData Position Vertex, xPosition#, yPosition# , zPosition#
next Vertex
unlock vertexdata
`Make the finished object
make mesh from object 5000, ObjectNumber `Save the dish shaped mesh
delete object ObjectNumber `Delete the temporary object
make object ObjectNumber, 5000, 0 `Make a new object from the mesh
delete mesh 5000 `Delete the mesh
Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.