Quote: "Quote: "Still, it's amusing when we get American tourists, "Excuse me, is this the right way to Birming-HAM?""
Wait, then how DO you say it? Lol"
We don't emphasise the 'ham' so much, it sounds less stressed, perhaps think more - birming-em.
Quote: "
Quote: "ZeeBrush is just an abomination to the English Language, it should be ZedBrush, Zed, the last letter of the English alphabet
OMG! So you guys do pronounce "Zee" by saying "Zed". That puzzled me so much when my math teacher (Scottish) pronounced Z's that way, I thought it was some sort of math term I didn't understand, lol."
Yeah, however 'zee' and other Americanisms are sneaking in to our dialect...I suppose Dragonball Z is to blame.
Quote: "'ello, I'll tell 'arry Potter that on the way 'ome!"
I'm afraid an Eddie Izzard joke isn't universal to all dialects of the English language in the UK.
Despite the fun of bickering between the English and American way of pronouncing things, there is no 'right' way of saying things, just different standards between the two main dialects - though if you say 'Rabbit' as 'dog', then there's obviously an issue.
"Experience never provides its judgments with true or strict universality; but only (through induction) with assumed and comparative universality." - Immanuel Kant