Yeah, I have been looking around for archery clubs in or around Sheffield but, they all seem to be university based clubs. I will be starting at Leeds Uni' in September so I will be joining their club, I just wanted to get some practice in before I start so I don't look like a total plant pot.
It does seem to be quite good for the money, well at least from I've seen. I'm fairly tall so I was going to go for the 68" bow so that it has a long draw distance, and I think I'm gonna go for the 32lbs draw weight too.
Good point, there will more than likely be bows for sale at the club. I never realised there was so much stuff you needed when taking up archery. Well, I mean if you want to take it seriously you need a spotting scope, guards, stabilisers, sights etc..
My liver is evil, I must kill it!