Shop: Something like this needs hard scripting to make.
Pick Up Weapons: Scripting. If you want a gun in your game, its very hard or maybe impossible.
Mount: Scripting, but would not be as hard to do.
Speshes: If you mean what I think you mean(change character clothing, etc.), yes you can. When you create a character for the first time you can have players change things with their player (clothing, face, shoes, pants, hair, gender, etc.) But letting people change their clothing in the game, I don't recall RC having this.
To do a lot of custom things in RC you MUST script. The script language it uses is fairly easy to use and understand. RC comes with a demo game. So you can copy stuff from that game into yours. (In the project manager).
I know a lot about RC so if you have any questions just ask.
EDIT: Just a warning, if you wish to make a successful game and have it become popular, you need a server. Either hosting it yourself via your high speed internet connection, or rent a server ($50-$100 a month).
EDIT2: Here is a sample script in RC:
// Guard charges 10 gold to advance into the next zone
Function Main()
Player = Actor()
// Create the conversation window
D = OpenDialog(Player, ContextActor(), "Guard")
// Guard speech
DialogOutput(Player, D, "The crossing charge is 10gp, will you pay?", 255, 255, 255)
// Player makes the choice
Result = DialogInput(Player, D, "Yes", "No")
// Choice 1 (yes)
// If the player selects no, the dialog will just close
If (Result == 1)
// Can the player afford this?
If (Money(Player) > 9)
ChangeMoney(Player, -10)
Output(Player, "10gp removed from inventory")
// Move the player inside
Warp(Player, "Cave", "Entrance")
Output(Player, "You cannot afford this transaction!")
// Close the conversation window
CloseDialog(Player, D)
// Done
End Function