Alright well heres a quick video I put together. Id tell you its definitely not my best work, but I cant find my USB with my portfolio on it right now to back that up.
I use Photoshop CS and Macromedia Flash for my 2D graphics.
If modeling is required, I use Wings 3D and 3DS Max to model, uv map, rig and animate, and if necessary ZBrush at my brother's house to normal map.
So yeah, I can do a lot better than whats in that video, but take that for whatever you want. If you're interested let me know and we'll talk price, wont be anything too big, probably under $100 unless you want a tonne of art. If not, no skin off my back.
Feel free to email me at adam (dot) eisfeld (at) gmail (dot) com
Also want to mention Im good at organics and maps, but I specialize in map design / layout.