Not all electric cars are slow... the one I linked to there outperforms a Ferrari and a Porsche.
ecocars are all outrageously ugly because they're designed by scientists instead of artists. Well, I say "all," but they aren't really all ugly. For instance,
the BMW Hydrogen 7 is prettier than a 5 series, and faster than your average sedan. While the US government is going toward corn ethanol, and some wackjob scientists are moving toward things like compressed air, the vast majority of the automobile industry seems pretty set on hydrogen fuel cells. Imagine a car where the only biproduct of driving around is DRINKABLE water... pretty cool! Just finish up a camping trip and thirsty from a hike? Just suck on the exhaust pipe of your car for a nice refreshing drink
Anyway, amongst the car companies that are making hydrogen vehicles, that I know of anyway: BMW, Honda, Fiat, Mazda, Renault, Toyota... and even General Motors, if you'll believe that. With the exception of Fiat (Pandas aren't cool cars regardless of what they run on!), they should mostly be cool-looking vehicles with at least reasonable performance.