It's been a while since I spoke to anyone as editor of the game-magazine Untitled and a reassuring amount of e-mails I got last month regarding where the next issue has convinced me quite some people are waiting for the next issue. There have been some mayor changes in our philosophy and frequency, all emphasised by the restyle based on the classy new logo by Wehtam_. Expect a slick and clean layout, and straight and sleek blocks of text. Also, we're going to try and aim for more TGC-related content and for the next issue, we've got everything prepared.
But, we're in need of one thing:
more crew. Our crew currently exists out of a small number of enthusiasts of which most cannot write on a reliable schedule. Due to this, some issues of Untitled had an annoying lack of content (at least in my eyes as editor) and this is something I want to avoid. Therefore, I'm looking for two categories of writers:
• Casual writers: People that write when they feel like it, and about as much as they feel like writing about.
• Writers: People that'd like to dedicate themselves to writing for the magazine.
There'll be a set number of pages for each issue, and do note that articles by writers will be preferred over those of casual writers. If you're interested, please note that Untitled
does not allow its writers to pirate games to review them, so you'll also need to be able to fund your gaming stuff - if you're low on cash, you can always do freeware/indie/TGC games and believe me, there's gems among those.
If you're interested, post below, and please add about which platforms you can write and your particular genre interests.
Do note that we will now release an issue every two months, starting again in August 2008.
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