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FPS Creator X10 / Offering $ for how to help with characters/guns

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Posted: 26th Jul 2008 07:01 Edited at: 26th Jul 2008 07:02
I am offering $20 paypal for help. If you don't have paypal then you get no money.

Please be very detailed

First of all I need to know how to import characters and guns into x10. I am using milkshape to create the models. Also how do I add an x10 skeleton or how do I make a skeleton x10 able for use in milkshape?

Could use a bit of help with animating a gun for x10 (just the basics is fine) also gun flash/sound.

If multiple people help me I will divide the $20 to the way I see fit.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2008 08:12
All of this are in the forums, for models, the model and media Fpsc area, for X10 migration, look in the X10 forum (Making models work it X10) And then you have it. Try not to flash your cash too fast!

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Posted: 26th Jul 2008 11:40
I've asked multiple times in different forums, have searched the forums, and have searched google and came up with very little.

I have the money to spare, and I need some real help.
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Posted: 26th Jul 2008 13:19
Do you want me to link to each of them?

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Posted: 26th Jul 2008 20:04
It works exactly the same as in FPS Creator X9, X10 just allows you to use some more fancy shaders.

Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 26th Jul 2008 23:01 Edited at: 26th Jul 2008 23:15
I am offering $20 paypal for help. If you don't have paypal then you get no money.

Please be very detailed
Quote: "
First of all I need to know how to import characters and guns into x10. I am using milkshape to create the models. Also how do I add an x10 skeleton or how do I make a skeleton x10 able for use in milkshape?

Could use a bit of help with animating a gun for x10 (just the basics is fine) also gun flash/sound.

If multiple people help me I will divide the $20 to the way I see fit.

Pictures never hurt "

to be honest with you i dont understand why you would pay money for this help, if you dont be so impantient, and lazy you could learn basicially all of this from snooping around and just getting more used to your tools.

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Posted: 27th Jul 2008 01:16
blooddeath remember the non-constructive rule,
and crum i think you just need them placed in the right folder thats what i do for a models a download

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Posted: 27th Jul 2008 04:21 Edited at: 27th Jul 2008 04:35
if this is so easy and there's all these threads that tell you exactly how to do it then pls either tell me or link the thread. I really think some of you making these remarks actually do not know how to do this. Just tell me what I need to know if you know, hell I'm offering you all money!!!

I understand how to put basic static models into x10. I do not understand how to do it for characters and guns along with there animations, please if your not going to help stay out of my thread.

and bloodeath don't call me lazy I've learned how to use this program, milkshape, and the basics of zbrush in about 2-3 weeks, I don't need a remark like that from you especially after I have said I searched multiple forums and google and came up with very little.

Also this post:

about putting weapons into x9 left me completely lost when trying to do it for x10.
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Posted: 27th Jul 2008 04:38
The point I see here is that while there is a lot of information in these forums, it's all very disjointed. And rarely is there a step by step post. I think Nomad and Squalker are working on one for segment textures. But there's clearly a need for tutorials on Weapons, and Characters.

Just for fun I searched on tutorials and saw one on weapons. I thought, this one looks good. But with steps like "Make Bones" and no more info, you know you'll lose a lot of beginners.

There are several fairly nice tutorial on static entities.
But it's the characters and weapons that really differentiate games. I'm afraid I'm not consistent enough in my models to put together an end to end tutorial. Hopefully one of the more veteran modelers will some day.

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Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 27th Jul 2008 06:55 Edited at: 27th Jul 2008 06:56
Quote: "blooddeath remember the non-constructive rule,"

spell my name right plz, and i am being constructive, im trying to constructively advise him that this is not worth 20$ and he could learn this himself if he wanted to.
Quote: "

and bloodeath don't call me lazy I've learned how to use this program, milkshape, and the basics of zbrush in about 2-3 weeks, I don't need a remark like that from you especially after I have said I searched multiple forums and google and came up with very little.

Search through the program, dont always expect there to be predocumentation on what your doing, dont expect things to be given to you on a sliver platter is all im saying. Look through your directory in fpsc
"C://program files/TGC/Fpscx10" and i guarentee you'll be able to answer your own questions if you look around and see how everything is set up yourself.

Quote: "
First of all I need to know how to import characters and guns into x10. I am using milkshape to create the models. Also how do I add an x10 skeleton or how do I make a skeleton x10 able for use in milkshape?

and bloodeath don't call me lazy"

You are, you would rather just search information instead of looking through the gunspecs and using a weapon in the directory as a template and changing everything to fit your needs. Look im not trying to flame you, im just saying look at the directory your fpsc is in, itll teach you alot.

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User Banned
Posted: 27th Jul 2008 08:07
I did mess with the fpe file and it didn't work for me. People pay for an education all the time, it is perfectly reasonable for me to expect it all laid out if I am paying.

I've searched and searched and found hardly anything if your so confident then why haven't you told me how to do this or linked me to threads that explain these things I'm trying to figure out?
Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 27th Jul 2008 21:45
fpscreatorx10/gamecore/guns copy a gun folder,paste of desktop change the needed files for your gun, viola, pop it back in the gamecore guns folder, with changed names. (this is my last post of these forums, so if this doesnt make sense to you so sorry oh well.)

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Posted: 29th Jul 2008 07:54 Edited at: 29th Jul 2008 07:58
Ok. Here is a step by step tutorial of how to do import weapons. (Provided by the FPSC X10 Manual)
13.4 Making Your Own Weapons
You can create your own weapons and use them in FPS Creator X10 providing
you have media in the X file format, the textures in the DDS file format and the
sounds in the PCM WAV file format ready prepared. You will need the following
1. Model of the gun to be displayed on the main game screen in FPS
2. Model of the gun for use as a pickup when the weapon is collected
3. Model of the gun for use when an enemy character is using the weapon
4. Textures for all of the above
5. Image for the weapon cross hair (if any)
6. Image for the HUD picture used in combination with displaying ammo
7. Sound effects for the weapons shooting, reload, dry fire and zoom (PCM
8. Scope Image if the gun has a scope mode for zooming into your target
Here are the steps to adding your own weapon.
1. It is far simpler to copy an existing weapon, rename and modify than
create one from scratch. Remember in order to affect changes inside the
main FPS Creator X10 folder you need write access privileges which means
you need to be an Administrator user of the operating system.
2. Navigate to FPS Creator X10 Files/gamecore/guns/modernday/commando
3. Copy the entire folder and contents to a new folder, perhaps called FPS
Creator X10Files/gamecore/guns/MyNewGuns
4. Make sure your new folder is located inside the gamecore/guns folder
5. Rename your new folder to gamecore/guns/MyNewGuns/BigGun
6. Copy all your models, textures, sounds and images to this folder using the
same names as the existing files. The filenames are self-explanatory
7. The HUD.X is the model you will see onscreen. VWEAP.X is the model you
will see when the enemy character is holding the gun.
8. GUNSPEC.TXT allows you to configure the weapon to your liking, and
controls everything from its range and accuracy, to the animation frames
used by the HUD weapon model. Again the fields are self-explanatory
though you will not need to change many of the filenames if you have
simply overwritten to the same file names.
9. Muzzleflash, Brass and Smoke refer to which type they should use. These
index values refer to models stored in the respective folders in gamecore
10. Fireloop is used for machine gun style weapons where the fire WAV sound
needs to be looped to give the correct audio feedback. The value refers to
the position in the sound sequence for the loop-back.
11. HORIZ,VERT and FORWARD control the muzzle flash position
12. ALIGN values control the position of the gun in relation to the camera
13. The KEYFRAMES indicate where each of the weapon animations are within
the model animation data
14. The SFRAME values indicate when to trigger the sounds, the first of the
parameters indicate the keyframe number to trigger the sound and the
second parameter is the sound index you wish to play

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 29th Jul 2008 19:07
Kudos to you Gunn3r! Now we need some folks to take this tutorial for a test spin.

Hope we can get the same thing for Characters. And I hope people realize that this by no means guarantees you will make a good looking weapon. LOL

"I'm trying to find new ways to make this game more attractive." - Dennis Rodman
User Banned
Posted: 2nd Aug 2008 06:03
tried all of this and also made an entry in the entity bank so I could select it but I haven't animated yet. I used the same model for all views and the gun shows up but when when I pick it up nothing shows up and it doesn't shoot.

Do I have to animate it just to get it to show up?
User Banned
Posted: 3rd Aug 2008 01:27 Edited at: 3rd Aug 2008 06:03
I realise you might not be able to see all the text in the pics but I have explained everything out that I'm doing in each step. Keep in mind I'm only making a basic weapon to just show up in the game.

First of all I change my model into jt .x format

Then go into entity workshop open as fpsc ready entry and apply a purple uv texture, also I use polygon collision instead of box collision does that matter? Any special setting for guns?

then I make a folder offshot from the gamecore/guns to customguns/blaspistol (name of my gun), I change the basic model's name as vweap.x, and also use it for hud.x and add my texture

I use the basic blaster fpe file and change desc to blaspistol, change model to blaspistol.x, texturepath to gamecore/guns/customguns/blaspistol, and textured (not sure about this one as it was originally gun_d2.tgs, which was gun_d2.tga for the blaster and I can't find that anywhere
, then I change isweapon to customguns/blaspistol

I place blaspistol.x,blaspistol.fpe,,blaspistol.bmp in gamecreators/fpscreatorx10/files/entitybank/scifi/items

now here's where the weird crap starts, when I select the gun from the bank it shows the proper name (blaspistol) and is textured correctly in the game. When I put it into the editor it shows up as omgwoodgun, which is an older gun that I'm fairly certain I have deleted every single trace of.

Finally it shows up correctly on the ground, uses the texture I used and everything. When I pick it up it says i've picked up a weapon but nothing at all shows up in front of me.

I figure I'm supposed to make a different model with hands for use with the hud.x file, but something should at least show up in front of me when I pick it up I would think. Also when I pick up the shotgun I can't change weapons (even though there's no weapon that can be seen I would think it would still allow a weapon switch even if you can't see it). Also of course nothing comes out when I try to shoot.

Please help me guys, where have I gone wrong?
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2008 02:00
Have you deleted the .bin and .dbo files created by FPSC? That is usually the fix with this.

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2008 02:34
where are those files located?
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2008 02:49
I think it's in your entitybank. Sorry I couldn't be more help... I haven't really tried adding a gun in... I tried. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure.

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2008 03:20 Edited at: 3rd Aug 2008 03:22
thanks for trying at least but I see no files like that anywhere. Also thanks for being honest about never actually doing it yourself.

I have this theory that nobody has figured this out yet. Seeing as there are no x10 specific tutorials or movies/screenshots with anyone using there own custom gun in x10.

also still offering money once all of my questions are answered.
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2008 04:15
Hm... Interesting. Like I said, I'm not sure how to help as I haven't imported very many models and haven't even attempted to model a gun, much less import one, so I'm afraid I'm no use. About the honesty, it's just who I am. I don't try to lead people on making them believe that I can do something that I really can't. (Unless I'm obviously kidding)

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2008 18:17
This has probably been asked and answered a hundred times. But will weapon creator work with x10? That would surely ease the process for him.

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2008 18:23
Check the virtual store directory. By default Vista will not write new files to the Program Files directories. (Some stupid security thing) Anyway, the dbo files might be in the virtual store directory.


If you've ever compiled a level you have to have some dbo files. So if you don't see them, something isn't right.

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Posted: 5th Aug 2008 18:31
to locate your bin/dbo files go to documents/FPSC X10 Files/binfiles...

Delete all the files in there... then start FPSC X10 and reload your map... once load make 1 small change to the segments of your level add or remove a segment piece.... this will make FPSC re-lightmap the entire level and not just a small area of it.

Save you map and test again

Do this procedure everytime you make a change to a texture of an object to have it update in FPSC.

Hope this helps

User Banned
Posted: 8th Aug 2008 02:10 Edited at: 8th Aug 2008 03:03
edit: I finally have the gun shooting, and I can see the ground on the ground but my model for my hud shows nothing(basically I can shoot but I see no gun model). Did I save the texture path correctly in the fpe file?

I'm still wondering about the blaster tga file that I can't find in its fpe. Is that the texture applied to the blaster in game? Windows search can't seem to find it.

Getting alot closer to getting a gun in the game.
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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 03:07 Edited at: 8th Aug 2008 03:08
Have you created the gunspec file to something similar to the FPSC stock media ones? If not, try editing one of the stock guns to just point at your media. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure.

EDIT: Sample gunspec.txt

Found in gamecore/guns/ww2

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 06:15
yes I just used the blasters, is there anything I would have to change in it to make it work in just a basic way on my model?
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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 08:13
Unless your animations are the same as the ones in the file, I would think you'd have to change them.

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 11th Aug 2008 08:49
I believe Gunn3r worked enough for part of your "cash prize" crumbaker. Unless you weren't serious.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2008 09:15
I Think i know where your problem may be crumbaker like gunn3r had said and had gave you part of the FPSC Manual you need to have what line 2 says,

1. Model of the gun to be displayed on the main game screen in FPS
2. Model of the gun for use as a pickup when the weapon is collected
3. Model of the gun for use when an enemy character is using the weapon
4. Textures for all of the above
5. Image for the weapon cross hair (if any)
6. Image for the HUD picture used in combination with displaying ammo
7. Sound effects for the weapons shooting, reload, dry fire and zoom (PCM
8. Scope Image if the gun has a scope mode for zooming into your target

im not sure if that is what you are wondering but you would have to make a file where the editor can understand that it is equipped and just does not display in the fps perspective on the screen.

Also, i understand you are having problems with animation. i can tell you gun is much like a pistol... correct? why not just set the animation for the colt .45 for you waepon? im not fully sure if it can be done but i bet you can and also you may have to edit you weapon a bit to work with the animation... and like you said in the beginning as for the flash from the gun and the sounds just use sounds from another weapon such as the colt .45

im not sure if all this was alread said... if it was sorry i cant be much help and very true about what urlforce said gunn3r has devoted alot of his time to help and and alot of his help is very good if not the full payout at lease a small amount of it

If nobody can seem to help i will check things out and if i find anything useful i will post ASAP.


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Posted: 17th Aug 2008 06:48
I guess he wasn't serious. Oh well. I tried helping as best as I could. Guess it wasn't good enough.

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 02:07 Edited at: 18th Aug 2008 02:29
I was serious nothing has been solved in this thread as of yet, the character part I was asking about has been completely ignored. I already knew pretty much everything everyone has told me. The only new information really has been the deleting of dbo files...that's it. I appreciate your help but I still don't have a working gun. Like you said you have never done it yourself, apparently nobody in this thread has. I think I made it clear I wanted a very detailed tutorial, not a discussion with those who have not done this yet.

I'm going to try the merge option via milkshape as suggested in another thread, I think this has the best chance of working.
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 06:00
Okay. One of the things that I would try is edit out the .fpe for one character to support your character model that has been rigged to the FPSC Skeleton. I wouldn't know much more than that. (I'm not going to try to learn, either. I'm changing engines soon)

Gunn3r Games

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