Every method I try to use for my intended result meets with a roadblock, and it's getting frustrating.
First I tried to move a dynamic crate entity using the movetotarget command. Wouldn't move at all, so I removed the box and tried the command on a character entity. The character entity would move toward the target, but would sometimes stop part way there for no apparent reason....this is on a simple map with just floor segments.
Then I used a combination of rotatetotarget and movefore to get the character to move to the target. That worked, but it is pointless if anything happens to be in the way.
So, thinking I could float the character above any obstacles then drop them later, I tried floating the entity, and also tried turning gravity off, and in each case, the character ceases to move at all when commanded to.
The last thing I tried was building a floor with holes a few levels higher, thinking I could walk the character forward and just have it fall through a hole. Nope. The character stops at the edge of the hole.
EVERY thing I try meets with an unexpected result. There is a sad lack of command descriptions to know how and when scripting commands will work and when they won't.
If there were such a thing as Free Will, I'd be exercising right now.