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2D All the way! / quick question

Bishop Marxx
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Joined: 3rd Nov 2002
Posted: 16th Jul 2003 16:07
How do you keep a sprite grounded to the matrix?
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Posted: 16th Jul 2003 17:05
i dont think it works like that, a srite is drawn to teh screen, whereas a matrix is 3d, so if you are going to want a sprite to walk aroudn a 3d level it will have to be drawn on a plain, kinda like how that big mmorpg game does, ragnarok i think. I tried doin this once btu couldnt get the transparency right. But yeah as far as my programming knowledge goes you will need tho make the sprite into a plain and make it move around the matrix.

working on the game undead nazi pirates of the kungfoorabean. this game is random to the max.
Bishop Marxx
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Posted: 16th Jul 2003 17:28 Edited at: 16th Jul 2003 17:30
you mean texture the sprite onto a plain... will i still be able to animate up, down, and diagonal walking animations like that?

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Posted: 16th Jul 2003 18:17
probably, have you done so that you cut up an image into smaller images and each image is one anim frame??? if so you would just have to keep texturing the plain with the new animation frame each loop

***Dbpro has arrived!!!!***
It arrived on the 15th(am) after being oredered on the 12th(pm) kudos to amazon!!!
Bishop Marxx
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Posted: 17th Jul 2003 10:07 Edited at: 17th Jul 2003 10:10
That was easy ok i got it to animate when I press up but the character doesnt move until the animation is done also i want the character to stop as soon as you release up for some reason the animation continues.

i'll post the code in a minute

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Posted: 17th Jul 2003 10:35
thats not all your code so its hard to tell but think you need a

position object 1,x#,y#,z#
just after all the controls, that will move it before the animation

You know whats weird???
Donald duck never wore pants, yet everything time he got out of the shower he put a towel around his waist...
Whats with that???
Bishop Marxx
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Joined: 3rd Nov 2002
Posted: 18th Jul 2003 09:18
ill try that out
well the whole codes abit messy but here it is...


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