It's not the object Drag code, since the cube isn't visible when I use just:
position object cursor, -60, 0, -60
the cube still isn't visible, but here is the object drag bit of code anyway:
pick=pick object (mousex(),mousey(),MapObj,MapObj)
if pick>0
curx#=camera position x(PlayerCam)+get pick vector x()
curz#=camera position z(PlayerCam)+get pick vector z()
mx3d = curx#
mz3d = curz#
position object cursor,mx3d,0,mz3d
The entire code is availiable for download in the first post.
I printed the Y position, but it stays constant at Zero.
I don't think it has anything to do with my terrain memblock and object, becasue if I comment out the line of code that runs the terrain creation functions, the cube still wont appear outside of that boundry, so might it have some thing to do with the camera system? I don't really see how that could effect it though...
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