I just bought a Dell network server from a flea market for $10. I don't know much about servers, but I'm pretty sure it's very lame.
Its got:
2 733 MHZ Pentium III CPUs
256 KB L2 Cache (I'm not 100% sure what that means.)
17 GB raid Disk array (I have no idea what that means at all. Whats a "raid disk array"?)
It runs Windows 2000 SQL Server
It was donated to the flea market by a business. (which is probably why it isn't very good.)
I'm going to fix it up and eventually (possibly) run my website off of it, instead of paying dreamhost.
Whats kinda weird is that it has 3 hard disks, but they only have 5.99, 10.9, and 5.99 GB respectively.
I have an new(ish) 180 GB HD that my little brother is using in my old machine. I MIGHT take that and put it in the server machine.
So just how bad is this machine? Is it even worth it to fix it up? Would I be better off just buying a new server? (although thats not likely gonna happen.)
If the good lord had intended us to go outside or have a social life, he wouldn't have invented the internet.