Quote: "screw the CPU, if you're gonna splash out on anything, get some high-speed RAM and a descent GPU, thats all games require these days. im still gaming on an Athlon X2 3800+ thanks to my Radeon HD3850 and DDR2 PC8500 RAM."
I'd remove that very first word if I were you. Never will I buy an ATI Radeon card. Never again. Not after what it did to my old computer.
Quote: "i dont buy prebuilt comps anymore i say you should build it yourself....you learn much it is fun and it may be cheaper."
My dad keeps saying that I don't know so much about building a computer -.- I got a level 7 in year 9 ITC. 93% I got from the exam. Besides, I know how to:
-Overclock a 8400 GS (Only mine though, my one was a dedicated system built-in clock system
-Upgrade RAM drives
-Edit ANY text file (Like fpsc-50.ini)
-Benchmark ANY program (Even if it does not have its own benchmark software)
-And more
And my age is only the square root of 196
another brainy technique to hide your age.
Quote: "fast bugger though"
OMG, it's an offensive language heaven!
Spore account - harryc51, FunOrb/RuneScape account - harryc51