As many of you already know, There was a thread awhile back called Doom THE THREAD. So myself, being more a fan of Quake rather than Doom, decided to make this thread. I would love to see your opinion on the Quake series!
Q1-Which Quake game is your favorite?
Q2-Do you prefer the Q1 story or the Strogg storylines?
Q3-Whats your favorite creature(of ANY quake games)?
Q4-Whats your favorite Quake Weapon?
Q5-Are you looking forward to Quake 5(like me)?
Q6-What features/gameplay items would you like to see in Q5?
Q7-Would you consider yourself a hardcore Quake fan?
Thanks, I just wanted to make a thread for my Favorite FPS series to date.
MBG Productions
MBG Productions, game dev for fun!