Quote: "What if your 'professor' said it was awful but we said it was good. Who would you go with then?"
Yes, i would go with my professor, because he is an objective and trained professional in this field.
Quote: "The professor understands he still has a long way to go."
Actually, although he didn't expect them to perfect or theater-quality, he did grade us on a things he would expect from a professional trailer. Like, he expected us to have all the elements of a professional trailer, but he was a bit more lenient than he would have been for a professional trailer. Essentially, he graded them like they were professional, but low-budget, trailers.
Quote: "Although honestly, the typography, coloring and music are horrible. I would imagine that if you'd ask your professor whether this would be a good official trailer for the movie, he'd laugh and answer 'hell no, but you'll get there if you work hard'."
Actually, HE was the one who suggested that font, and he thought the music choices were okay.
I'll admit, rthe music choices weren't the best possible songs out there for this movie, but they were the best I could get. I don't have a very extensive music collection, and I don't have I-tunes or anything like that, so I was limited to what i had. Even so, the music choices aren't bad, even if they could be better.
Quote: "Maybe you should just show your professor Drews' series once. They're pretty fun."
I will if I get the chance.
Quote: "You can't pick music simply because the titles and some of the lyrics correspond with your theme; you have to think of the tone of the music"
As, i already said, I had limited choices as to what music I could use. I was actually going for more of a action-y feel with "Last resort", which is why that section is full of impact shots.
Quote: "It's yellow, it looks like it would fit in a superhero movie, not a in a depressing post-apocalyptic movie"
I can't possibly imagine that font fitting into any kind of super hero movie. Its not strong and mighty looking, like the "S" on superman's chest, its all destroyed and weak. It would NEVER fit in a super here movie.
Quote: "It looks daft, tacked on. Half the time it doesn't even animate smoothly. Dark Basic by any chance? ^^"
Ummm... NO! The titles were made in Adobe Photoshop, and animated in Premier. And if its not animating smoothly, thats probably because of youtube.
Here is another piece of my work. I made this before I had started my video course, so its not as good.
If the good lord had intended us to go outside or have a social life, he wouldn't have invented the internet.