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DarkBASIC Discussion / Print command on 3D objects?

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Joined: 20th Oct 2002
Location: Denmark
Posted: 31st Oct 2002 12:35
This is probably a very dumb question,,,

*I'm creating an FPS game
*Map is created by static objects - triangles
*When I use the print command the text shows up correctly at first, but quickly disappears.

This seems to happen all the time I'm using the Print command and displays an object on the screen.

Exceptions are when I load an example code, those work fine, which leaves me with the conclusion that I've simply missed something.

BTW: I've tried the 'set curser' -command, setting the curser to 0,0 and 45,45 - no change
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Location: Earth, Brisbane, Australia
Posted: 31st Oct 2002 14:36
have a look at this example

indi is part of Team Lunarpixel
multimedia logisitics and interactive media
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Location: Denmark
Posted: 1st Nov 2002 01:11
Well, I located the error myself,
it seems to have been a problem with a loaded bitmap,,,

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Posted: 1st Nov 2002 03:32
o yeah

indi is part of Team Lunarpixel
multimedia logisitics and interactive media
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Location: Denmark
Posted: 1st Nov 2002 09:09
Ooops, forgot a "thanks anyway"

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Location: Earth, Brisbane, Australia
Posted: 1st Nov 2002 09:49

indi is part of Team Lunarpixel
multimedia logisitics and interactive media

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