I just glanced over some pages and read the Table of Contents, and must say, should Virtual Nomad's suggestion be held over time, that contains (cough DaveyT) everything you can find in any of the basic programming books you can buy for 30 bucks off the shelf
I am quite glad someone compiled that, as it is now a free resource that contains the same thing you can buy otherwise. (assuming it works/compiles).
Rorschach: They ARE the darkbasic pro commands, afaik. The only difference is you're compiling them directly in C++. So the upside is you can now use C++'s power. The downside is you're also in C++'s syntax, which is not good if you're new and don't know about placing definitions before main and missing brackets being a bad thing. (Learn C++ before using that)
DaveT: Have you programmed before? If not, just remember two things, 1) There are data and functions, which must be declared and defined. (created then assigned values, like A is a number, A is now 2.5). 2) Flow goes from top-down.
That is the only thing you need to know to write a basic program. Unlike DarkGDK, Darkbasic ends automatically when "flow" ends, so if you type:
Print "Text"
Print "Second line"
and that's all, your program will start then end automatically, too fast to see anything. Remember to type an input or wait/sleep command to stop the program so you can see what you're doing.
And that's all the help I'll give lest you read the tutorial
(for your own good)