Could anyone help me please. I amtrying to get DBP to read the inputs from two joysticks simultaniously - with no success
I have got one of those 'Dual PSX/USB' thingies that allow you to connect two Playstation controllers to your PC via the USB port.
It works great with most commercial games and DBP can be programmed to use it as the default joystick. However, I can only get it to read the input from the first controller.
I used this code to ensure that joystick 1 was functioning:
And it was.
I then inserted two more lines to test joystick two :
a$=checklist string$(2)
set control device a$
below is the full code with these two lines inserted:
With these two extra lines I can't get any input form either controller. Can anybody help?
Also; if this is the correct way to go about it, then how would I get the two controllers working at the same time? Because changing the control device to device two will ignore device one.
Thank you
Nine lives to choose from and I get stuck with this one!