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Joined: 31st Oct 2002
Posted: 31st Oct 2002 18:57
I am new to db and game programming, but experienced in programming (delphi 4 and vb6). Are there any good tutorials on game progamming concepts? After a fair amount of playing around I have been unable to get my 3ds models to lad with textures, or get my cartography shop models to load at all! Clearly I'm missing the concepts.
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Joined: 31st Oct 2002
Location: Australia
Posted: 1st Nov 2002 02:28
Easiest thing is to go threw the help files. They have little snippets an some nice examples aswell. Read threw those for a year or 6 an you should be ok

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Joined: 4th Sep 2002
Location: United States
Posted: 1st Nov 2002 03:51
STEVIL STEVIL STEVIL.. =) browsin the forums i see
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Joined: 2nd Oct 2002
Posted: 2nd Nov 2002 16:12
1-6 years! yea right! I recommend the help files but not for that long...I'm also a newbie but i'm becommming a basic is what I do and recommend...

"There is something you ant to learn? Try it out using "training projects". Make a new project and play around with your goal till your satisfied..."
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Joined: 2nd Oct 2002
Posted: 2nd Nov 2002 16:14
Oh yea...and go to the darkbasic code base...that'll have alot o baby-pro code snippents that you can leanr from

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