Okay I need some direction with storing mouse values. My problem revolves around placing an object on a grid the same width and height as my screen size and inverting the height of the screen and subtracting the MouseY() to convert from 2d to 3d. This is of course done to place an object.
set display mode 1280,1024,32
Autocam off
Make camera 1
Make matrix 1,1280,1024,128,124
position camera 1,640,855,512
point camera 1,640,0,512
And here's the object placement/main loop:
If mouseclick()=1
load object "ROAD.3ds",A
Position object A,MouseX()+E,0,Screen HEight()-MouseY()
Inc A,1
loop end
The problem is the object placement. Can some one help me clear this up a bit?
use whatever object you want
Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pale of water... but Jill got tired of his s#%& so she shot him.