Quote: "I have lost all respect for you. Thank you for being an ignorant, flaming, a$shole, as usual. Your too opinionated for your own good General Reed. You speak without thinking and when you do grace us with your stupidity, it's so aggressive that even if there was an ounce of truth to it, it comes off in way no one wants to agree with it. And how do you know this about America? Have you lived in America? If you haven't, then shut the frak up. You have no room to talk. So what, you've watched the news. You know what we think about France and half of England? I could tell you, but it doesn't matter. We are two DIFFERENT countries ran in two DIFFERENT ways. Please, get an education and understand the facts before you open your mouth and look like a fool. Now sit the hell down before I have BigAdd photoshop you an upside down bar stool for you to sit on.
Want to know what's wrong with this community? We can never have a civil discussion. You all do realize that if we were all here in person, you wouldn't be brave enough to say half the BS that we say here. Stop hiding behind the internet. Ignorance is not an excuse. If you wouldn't type would you would say in person, pack up your computer, cancel your ISP, and stick to watching soaps."
I Admit, i have very very very strong opinions, but thats usualy because i spend soo much time really delving into the subject, before i make an opinion. Like i have read a lot of books, watched a lot of documentrys about america, and its ways, because im quite interested in the way its run. I have been to america many times, so i do know what its like. I do not talk without thinking, i just say what I beleive to be true. What on earth is wrong with that?
Quote: "We can never have a civil discussion. You all do realize that if we were all here in person, you wouldn't be brave enough to say half the BS that we say here. Stop hiding behind the internet. Ignorance is not an excuse. If you wouldn't type would you would say in person, pack up your computer, cancel your ISP, and stick to watching soaps."
Say i have a bad attitude, but in my case this is totaly untrue. I do a lot of body building, so i am quite a big and intimidating guy, so it makes it so much easier for me to say what i think. So if i think something, i say it. Its not like i stay behind my computer all the time. I go out a lot. Every weekend clubbing etc. What you have just described, is more likely yourself than me.
CPU: AMD X2 6000+ 3.0ghz GFX: NVIDIA BFG Geforce 8800GTS 640MB OC-550mhz core RAM: 2048mb