Quote: "Cool, but whos gona want to develop for the ps2 over the pc or x360"
PS2s have specialized DVD-R discs for them. They have special burners as well that come with the SDK. The burner will write a string as a producer name (PLAYSTATION) and then write the name of the SLUS file (Sony License United States). For example, Guitar Hero II's SLUS file is SLUS_417.47 (I think, something like that). This is an ELF file (Executable and Linkable Format). Included on the disc is a file called SYSTEM.CNF which gives the path to the file (cdrom0:\SLUS_xxx.yy) and (usually) explains the video mode. (BTW, the SLUS file name that gets written to the disc gets written to the volume label - SLUS_XXXYY). There's usually a folder called IOP which contains IDX files (These are, again, ELF files). These files appear to be drivers or libraries of some sort - which I assume the SDK provides - I also assume the SDK provides a way to create these.
I may have some information wrong, but this is what I've picked up.
I'm not a dictator to those that do stuff for me by will. Only those who don't.