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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Advice Please

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Joined: 5th Sep 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 1st Nov 2002 13:57
I am a newbie to DBPro ( and DB ) and am trying to learn to program with the language.
I have heard about the many bug's in DBPro and was wondering, do you think it would be easier for me to start learning in DB 1.13 and then cross over to DBPro when it becomes more stable or should I just stick with DBPro Patch 2?
Any advice greatly received

(p.s: I own both versions of DB but due to > I never programmed with V1.13)

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Posted: 1st Nov 2002 17:27
Stick with DBPro would be the best, I think.

Yes, I really am THAT good...
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Posted: 1st Nov 2002 21:28
Well if i was you i'd experiment with db untill dbpro becomes alot more stable (ive heard that its VERY unstable and you can't do much with it, but i dont have it so im going on what ive heard). Once the db team bring out some good patches then start using dbpro

Also ive heard people saying that the standard db tutorials are better than the dbpro ones. ShockForge Software Unlim bandwdith, unlim space,,, visit site for more details.
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2002 02:21
I'd stick with DB at first, much more stable and while your learning the basics you don't need any of the fancies that DBpro contains, this way your not going to get confused between syntax errors an bugs hope that helps

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