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2D All the way! / 2D Animation - Can you do it in seperate gifs?

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Posted: 27th Jul 2003 21:04
Is there a way I can use 1 animation frame for a new .gif. So if the walking animation has 4 frames could I have 4 .gifs called

walk1.gif, walk2.gif, walk3.gif and walk4.gif?

I have tried the tutorial on dbheaven which has every frame of animation in the same .gif and this is too confusing for me. I was hoping I could do it the way I stated above.

If you know how can you show me a source code?
Preston C
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Posted: 28th Jul 2003 07:14
well, in DBC, .gif isnt supported (well to my knowledge). Try BMP. And use sprite commands (Sprite #,X,Y,Frame Image) Best advice I can give you.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2003 14:55
But how would I load the next image for the animation. Sorry Dark Basic is thefirst game making tool I have had that uses coding instead of just drop windows like The Games Factory.

Preston C
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Posted: 28th Jul 2003 16:59
Here, a simple program to make an animated sprite. Little fast though, so you might need to fix that .

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Posted: 28th Jul 2003 19:14
It says cannot load bitmap. I did rename the files to the right name and it still has this error.

Preston C
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Posted: 28th Jul 2003 21:51
so, you have 4 images, all the same size, yet with different frames of animation, yet when you go to load them, it gives you that error? musta misspelled the names.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2003 23:02
they are all 29 x 38 in size. They have the correct names too

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Posted: 29th Jul 2003 03:46
The Bitmap NEEDS to be in the same folder as the program is in.

Try it again.

Ta ta for now

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Posted: 29th Jul 2003 17:10
OK here's all the facts:

They have the correct filenames
They are in the same folder as the .dba file, .db file and the .TMP file.
All those .db/dba/tmp files are called sprites.

The other files are frame1.bmp frame2.bmp frame3.bmp frame4.bmp

With all that this comes up

Quote: "Warning at line 1, cannot load bitmap"

I am still using this exact code

Eddie Gordo
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Posted: 29th Jul 2003 17:38
try turning the sync off...maybe...i think...

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Posted: 29th Jul 2003 18:52
Try load bitmap command instead

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Posted: 29th Jul 2003 19:18

I have just tested your code and I uses some pics named frame1.bmp etc etc...... And it all works fine.

Some things you should look at:

1. Check the spelling of the "frame" may have got it wrong...even if it looks right when you glance at it.
2. Make sure that the pictures have been saved as a .BMP...Its easy to save as something else and then it wont load it in as its not a .BMP file.

If the pictures are in the same place as your WILL work.

If this dont help ya, then I cant think of anything else!...Sorry!!

Ta ta for now

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Posted: 29th Jul 2003 20:55
ahm ... just one point if you want to have other ppl to play your games:

Always make Textures / Sprites in 2^x lengths/widths ... 32x32 / 64x64 / 128x128 and so on, because there are many 3D cards out that doesn't support other width-heights

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Posted: 30th Jul 2003 04:57
I thought it would be easier if I changed the names ( I did this after everything you guys have said) to 1,2,3,4 etc. Does it need .bmp in the name? I have win xp and it says bitmap file under the file name so they are definately bitmap files.

Preston C
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Posted: 30th Jul 2003 16:40
yes, you need the .bmp file extension at the end of a file name. You need that with all of the files you load. Like "Samurai.3ds" or "FunnyFace.bmp"

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Posted: 30th Jul 2003 20:36
LOL........I dont believe it!


Still...its easy to make a mistake, dont worry.

Ta ta for now

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Posted: 5th Aug 2003 03:13 Edited at: 5th Aug 2003 03:14
I don't think I made the mistake you think I made. Adding .bmp to the end of the file name did not work. Doing that caused Dark basic to say

"Cannot load 1.bmp.bmp. File does not exsist"

Don't forget that they were already .bmp files before I added .bmp to the name of the file.

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Posted: 5th Aug 2003 17:21
There is a stupid option in widows that makes it hide file extensions that have a program associated with them.
Open my computer and on the menu click Tool | Folder options.
Then click the view tab and scroll down the list of options until you find "Hide extensions for known file types". If it's checked uncheck it and then click the "Apply to all folders" button at the top and you will actually be able to see and change all of the filename.
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Posted: 6th Aug 2003 20:06 Edited at: 6th Aug 2003 20:07
Good news and bad news:
We'll start with the bad:
Dark Basic can still not load the bitmaps (yes now I am 100% sure they are bitmap files .bmp)


That function works, I turned it off and now it's a lot easier to make sure they are bitmaps and will come in useful with a lot of files and programs other than this. - Thankyou the_winch

I am starting to get the feeling that it is a problem with the bitmaps themselves.

As I have no experience in this it could be any mistake like the bitmap must be an even square or the main picture must be in the middle of the bitmap for it to load properly.

It is not square it is a rectange because Sonic is taller than he is wide of course.

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Posted: 6th Aug 2003 21:54 Edited at: 6th Aug 2003 21:56
Try to see if db thinks the files exist.

If the above code says that the files exist them it could be a problem with the bmp. Try makeing a new 32x32 bmp and see if you can load that.
It could be that your grafics card only likes square images to the power of 2. 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 etc.
Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 6th Aug 2003 22:18 Edited at: 6th Aug 2003 22:18
There's no need to worry about the size of the images that I know of. They can be any shape or size. Don't know what is wrong. Maybe you have renamed a GIF Image.bmp.gif because you could not see the extension. I am at a loss to help you. Just try saving the files again as bmp.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2003 22:12 Edited at: 7th Aug 2003 22:15
No they are definately .bmp files I can now see what the extention is of each file and they have .bmp on the end.

It says that the file exsists.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2003 23:48
It's proberly not the problem but have you tried making a 32x32 bmp file and loading that.

Look through the examples that come with db and find one that uses sprites and see if that works. If it does it must be either a problem with your code or your bmp.
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2003 21:47
I went into the IRC chat room the other day and asked for help. I was told it might be the BMP needed to be resaved in Paint Shop Pro. Not MS Paint; could this be the problem?

Sorry I haden't posted about this earlier but I was on holiday for 3 weeks and only just found out that this might be the problem.
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Posted: 4th Sep 2003 06:23
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Posted: 4th Sep 2003 19:28 Edited at: 4th Sep 2003 19:29
That works... It must be the Sonic bmps I am trying to use

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