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Newcomers DBPro Corner / [ANNOUNCEMENT] "Noob" Questions - PLEASE READ!

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Joined: 4th Apr 2003
Location: Gods own County, UK
Posted: 18th Nov 2008 08:54 Edited at: 7th Jan 2009 17:19
Please do not simply write "Noob Question", "I am a newb", "One Noobie Question", "A question", "Please help" or anything similar as the title of your post. We have a search facility, and meaningless titles do not help others find answers to their Noob Questions

You are in the Newcomers Corners, so we already appreciate where you are in your DBP experience. Something meaningful as a title will help you to get quicker answers. A more experienced member - based on your thread title - might just give you a quick answer rather than ignore the post.

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