Could somebody tell me why my collision is not working with this?
hide mouse
TEXT 260,0,"Mission Briefing 1"
PRINT "Deep in space a sudden asteroid storm has started."
PRINT "Unlucky for you, you happened to be in the middle of it when it started."
PRINT "And you can't go home."
PRINT "For the asteroids are threataning to smash into earth - a blast that would devestate the planet."
PRINT "Also unlucky, your ship has no weapons."
PRINT "However it is capable of extremely high speeds which can destroy these asteroids."
PRINT "Unfortunately, it also uses up a lot of gas when you run at high speeds."
PRINT "Also, be careful. Hitting those asteroids at low speeds can do some serious damge to your hull!"
PRINT "Remember, your earth's only hope."
suspend for key
speed = 10
load image "space station.psd",2
autocam off
gas# = 1000
hull = 100
sync on
load image "rain.bmp",1
load image "pink.bmp",3
shot = 0
load object "AIRPL095.X",10
yrotate object 10,180
scale object 10,200,200,200
fix object pivot 10
make object sphere 1,-50000
set camera range 1,100000
texture object 1,2
position object 1,0,0,0
for d = 11 to 70
make object sphere d,100
g = rnd(10000)
j = rnd(10000)
if g > 5000 then g = g - (g*2)
if h > 5000 then h = h - (h*2)
position object d,g,rnd(100),j
texture object d,1
next d
texture object 15,3
set global collision on
position object 10,240,10,250
position camera 250,25,250
anum = 189
set global collision on
if spacekey()=1 then speed = 100 ; gas# = gas# - .1
aY# = Object angle Y(10)
aX# = Object angle X(10)
`texture object 10,1
Rem Control input for camera
move object 10,speed
If Leftkey()=1 then Yrotate object 10,Wrapvalue(aY#-1) ; Yrotate object 10,Wrapvalue(aY#-1)
If Rightkey()=1 then Yrotate object 10,Wrapvalue(aY#+1) ; Yrotate object 10,Wrapvalue(aY#+1)
if downkey()=1 then Xrotate object 10,Wrapvalue(aX#+.5)
if upkey()=1 then Xrotate object 10,Wrapvalue(aX#-.5)
Rem get player object position and store in X# and Z#
X# = Object position x(10)
Z# = Object position z(10)
y# = object position y(10)
if y# > 100 then y# = 100
if y# < 5 then y# = 5
for g = 11 to 70
if object collision(10,g) = 1 and speed > 10 then delete object g
next g
cZ# = Newzvalue(Z#,aY#-180,100)
cX# = Newxvalue(X#,aY#-180,100)
position object 10,x#,y#,z#
Rem position camera
Position Camera cX#,50,cZ#
text 10,10,"Asteroids Remaining: " + str$(anum)
text 10,30,"Gas Remaining: " + str$(gas#)
text 10,50,"Hull Remaining: " + str$(hull)
Rem point the camera at the player object
Point camera X#,50,Z#
Rem Refresh Screen
anum = 0
for k = 11 to 200
if object exist(k) = 1 then anum = anum + 1
next k
speed = 10
gas# = gas# - .01
Note: you may have to remove the teture commands.
JetRace coming. Watch out!