I have made this small game where the idea is 2 find a building avoiding the other buildings. I know how 2 detect a collision and when the human model and the wrong building colides it plays a sound.
When the model hits the right building ( a radar) it also plays the sound. I cant get it to detect that it has hit the radar rather than another building.
check out lesson 25 for a sliding collision example that works on most pcs.
Also, i would like it to to clear the screen, ie the matrix, the objects, textures, backdrop, the sprites and bitmaps so that i can start a new level
you have to manage this manually and track each object / sound /image/ array
deleting them as required and usually in order helps sanity
Another thing to happen when it detects the collision is for it to play an animation that i have made.
the above lesson25 will have a space to insert the play animation feature just after the collision hit aspect.