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2D All the way! / Sprites and bitmaps......HELP......please !!!!!

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Joined: 30th Jul 2003
Posted: 30th Jul 2003 23:48 Edited at: 30th Jul 2003 23:51
I have designed a bitmap containing over 60 sprites I want to use in a game I am writing. Do I have to load this bitmap then use the Get Image command followed by Paste Image in order to make the sprites appear or is there a far better way of doing it?

Thanks for any help which you may feel able to offer.
I am using it worth upgrading to DB Pro??

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Posted: 31st Jul 2003 01:25
Well in my experience your program will run better if you make several smaller bitmaps than one big one – I know that some vid cards can’t handle really large bitmaps – just something to consider
Yes load the bitmap
Get each image
Then you can either paste the image or use the sprite command – not sure if one command is better than an other, the sprite command seems easier to use and you get more options for use

I have both DB and DBpro
I’d have to say I like pro better but I’d get good at DB before getting it. It is kinda a waste of money if your just messing around and you don’t have a good grasp of the language. If I had it to do over I would have started out getting pro, but I’m not sure if it was worth the upgrade? I think I should have waited till I was a little better at programming

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Posted: 31st Jul 2003 01:36
Thanks for the more it possible to hide a bitmap....I guess I am used to writing programs with AMOS Pro (on the old Amiga) and it seemed a much more powerful programming tool than DBC appears to be at the moment....maybe I just need to spend more time playing about with it....

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Posted: 31st Jul 2003 01:55
actually what i think you mean is can you hide an image
you can only have 30 or 31 bitmaps, but you can have almost limitless images (the more you have the slower it goes)
a bitmap is like a pallet or canvas that you paint on an image is something you display
i don't think you can hide an image but you can hide a sprite

well i created a basic room with objects and a dude walkin around in about 3hrs so it has the power and its pretty easy to use the basics, its just...... well its hard to get it to look as good as those people who are really good and then art work is always a prob, but half the fun of it is the quest. i can buy an adventure or i can live one and maybe even some day make one

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Posted: 31st Jul 2003 02:03
There's no need to hide a bitmap you've used, coz you can't display them directly. The only way to display something is to draw/copy it to bitmap 0.

With Update 5, Lee gave in to the pressure and made a SAVE IMAGE command. So when Update 5 is released, you can save the separate images out to disk and load them instead of the bitmap in your game/app.

There is no speed difference between sprites and pasting images in DBPro (as long as you've switched backsave off). So you may as well use the strengths of sprites ... they know where they are and what they're displaying.
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Posted: 31st Jul 2003 02:24
is there a difference between sprite and paste image in reg DB?

in reg Db you can already save bitmaps, so he isn't having a save bitmap prob but thats cool to know about upgrade 5 (-: he should use the same command that reg DB has so that they would be more interchangeable.

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unfortunately you get what you pay for (-:

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