I've built a script debugger program that goes through your scripts and checks them for errors, spelling mistakes and more...
5th Jan 09: Added Player Movement System and new help system.
4th Jan 09: Added Variable Simulator and line numbers.
3rd Jan 09: Program released, it currently searches for missing colons, commas and checks the code structure. It also checks each command and checks to make sure it is not mis-spelt.
Future Updates:
1. Adding script simulation so the script is actually executed and the user can see what each line does in 'real time' mode. (20% Completed.)
2. Adding script value checking to make sure the user doesn't set the wrong type of variable to the wrong command. (80% Completed)
I've had good feedback so I'm continuing with the program.
Screenshot attached to post.
Download URL:
FPSC Script Debugger (Free)