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Program Announcements / GLOWWORM FULL GAME!

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Posted: 4th Jan 2009 20:24 Edited at: 24th Mar 2009 02:35 < download from here!

README is provided in the .rar, you WILL need to download winrar to open this, which isnt hard to find69-
a winzip version will be uploaded shortly!

Game is HARD so dont complain on the difficulty, anyone needs any help im uploading some tutorial vids on youtube soon on techniques, anyways, happy GlowWorming! x

messy vid of it here:

oh, this IS version 0.9 now, but several images and sound have been left out, the whole games here, and every level can be played and completed, its just got no options and some menu's and sound have been missed out. Also gotta do proper credits to everyone! Including the awesome Sparky's collision

as bugs are reported, ill list em here, if you find one not listed, please say!
Pressing P to pause crashes game
Token in Challenge 1-4 in wrong location
Frustrating gameplay, add checkpoint system for gauntlet
When completing challenge, returns to the first challenge page, should return to the one your on.
added a cheatcode for people crying about deathmatch challenges
Will remove jumping delay on gauntlet maps
Music does not exist at line 2636, immediatly after winning a quick match
Match countdown only shows the bottom half of the number
When a player scores, there number turns white until the next round
At one point when I entered challenge mode, all the tokens where in the center of the screen
Sometimes the cursor doesn't have a glow effect
If you run out of time and die, the hourglass returns to the full graphic
Sometimes the tip of the glowworm would stay behind at the starting point
Challenge 3-1 only required 2 kills to win


Getting ONE medal in challenge 1 2 and 3 in a set unlocks challenge 4

you SOMETIMES go through an enemy and vice versa on purpose, theres a 5% chance of this happening, and its purpose is kind of a "last chance". to PREVENT an enemy passing through your trail, DONT speed up, a slow trail has 0% chance of a pass-through(speeding up has its disadvantages ).


SMAAD presents GOD (Glory Of Dementia).. wierd music... and games... GLOWWORM BETA DEMO AVAILABLE, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACK:
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Posted: 4th Jan 2009 21:03 Edited at: 4th Jan 2009 21:04
annnd, sorry for the 40MB download...
please reference any bugs or features you find for glowworm

SMAAD presents GOD (Glory Of Dementia).. wierd music... and games... GLOWWORM BETA DEMO AVAILABLE, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACK:
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Posted: 5th Jan 2009 03:54
The video is looking very slick! I've downloaded the 40MB file, unrarred and been playing for a long while. Completed all the gauntlets! Is there anything that might make the first gauntlet challenge look more interesting?

While getting the token on gauntlets 1, 2 and 6 was crazy or impossible, 3 was too easy. Gauntlets 2 and 3 (and possible 1) really need to have better starting positions. It can be frustrating when you die and you have to waste valuable seconds of life sliding along to where the level should begin.

Had a lot of fun today because of this game!
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Posted: 5th Jan 2009 06:13
GlowWorm Review:
When I first loaded GlowWorm, I jumped straight into challenge mode. I had no idea what any of the challenges were, but I quickly found out it was a simple 1v1, first to 3 kills wins! Maybe you can make it more clear? The bonus characters were a great idea! A simple change in the pattern creates a cool new worm! I've only seen the guys from 1-3 and 2-3, but I'm looking forward to seeing the rest. When I returned to the menu screen after beating all 9 challenges, the game said I had only beat 30%. I had double check the readme to realize you have to use the arrow keys to navigate the menu. Try putting little arrows on the bottom/top of the screen or have it automatically scroll when the mouse reaches the edge.

The 4th level challenges took me by complete surprise! Maybe I should have watched the video in your post first
That mode was like an entirely different game, which I found very entertaining, even though they were incredibly difficult. I still haven't beaten one! My favorite by far was 3-4.

As far as the mode with the custom options, I found the game funnest with maximum worm length. It's a shame it lagged horribly on my computer when I did that! In the end, I think GlowWorm is a game every TGC user should check out! Even if only to play the 4th level challenges

-Match countdown only shows the bottom half of the number
-When a player scores, there number turns white until the next round
-At one point when I entered challenge mode, all the tokens where in the center of the screen
-An enemy glowworm went through me twice without colliding. I didn't see him jump or make the jumping sound effect!
-Sometimes the cursor doesn't have a glow effect (is this a bug?)
-After beating challenge 2-1, challenge 2-3 was unlocked without haven to beat the second one. The same thing happened with challenge 3-1.
-Challenge 2-4 and 3-4 were unlocked without getting all the medals.
-If you run out of time and die, the hourglass returns to the full graphic
-Sometimes the tip of the glowworm would stay behind at the starting point
-Challenge 3-1 only required 2 kills to win

-I pretty much held forward the entire game. I think a better idea would be to make the glowworms fast, and have down be used as a temporary break.
-Some of the challenges were ridiculously hard, like the time limit on 2-3.
-You should try adding powerups like speed boost or longer worm. It will make the game a bit more random and exciting.
-I remember reading in the WIP post something about GlowWorm Party Hat mode? Whatever happened to that?

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Posted: 5th Jan 2009 12:06 Edited at: 5th Jan 2009 12:06

Thanks for your review, bug hunting and suggestions! as far as difficulty is concerned, we are adding a checkpoint system to the complex levels. We couldnt make worms faster, as this caused difficulty for players without as much skill. Powerups and bonus mods still a consideration!

All bugs have been noted and are being recreated to fix! And thanks, even with the bugs and the difficulty, glad to see you still enjoyed the game!

SMAAD presents GOD (Glory Of Dementia).. wierd music... and games... GLOWWORM BETA DEMO AVAILABLE, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACK:
Mr Kohlenstoff
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Posted: 5th Jan 2009 14:17
Music does not exist at line 2636, immediatly after winning a quick match. I do not have more time now, so I just wanted to make sure you get to know about this error. I will give you some more in-depth feedback later.

Sixty Squares
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Posted: 13th Jan 2009 00:45
Very nice . It looks like tons of fun, I like the world. I'll play it when I get the chance, but it looks awesome .

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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 18:56
Thanks! The patch for version 1.0 has not been released yet, as the beta has had a lack of response, guess noone really wants to try this game... i want to iron out every bug, many have been found, but many still lurk

SMAAD presents GOD (Glory Of Dementia).. wierd music... and games... GLOWWORM BETA DEMO AVAILABLE, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACK:
Violent Pigeon
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Posted: 15th Jan 2009 00:23
he he looks fun, downloading beta.

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Posted: 15th Jan 2009 01:42 Edited at: 15th Jan 2009 01:45
Just so you all know, version 1.1 is currently underway!

version 1.0 is mainly a bug fix which will be released shortly.

all future versions basically add new features, improve certain things and iron out any little bugs that were missed!

PATCH FOR V1.0 DUE THIS WEEKEND, (most likely friday night)

enjoy! x


SMAAD presents GOD (Glory Of Dementia).. wierd music... and games... GLOWWORM BETA DEMO AVAILABLE, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACK:
DB PROgrammer
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Posted: 15th Jan 2009 23:56 Edited at: 15th Jan 2009 23:57
I really liked it, can't wait for next update!

I can confirm these bugs.
Quote: "-Match countdown only shows the bottom half of the number"

^It looks like the Number is behind the ground. You may want to check if your are accidental using the Zdepth or ZBias commands on it.^
Quote: "-When a player scores, there number turns white until the next round"

Quote: "-Sometimes the cursor doesn't have a glow effect (is this a bug?)"

Quote: "-If you run out of time and die, the hourglass returns to the full graphic"

Quote: "-Sometimes the tip of the glowworm would stay behind at the starting point"

Quote: "Music does not exist at line 2636, immediately after winning a quick match."

^Above bug also happens in Custom Mode.^

I also think you should make it so you can select the number of kills it takes to win a match in Custom Mode. Hope you complete this game!

DBPro, limited by the programmer.


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Posted: 15th Feb 2009 01:31
Yo, in the process of a major lifestyle change, including home and everything so works been slow!
But expect soon, the "final" build of GlowWorm to be completed and released on the public, like a meat chunk to bulldogs!

10 days... x

SMAAD presents GOD (Glory Of Dementia).. wierd music... and games... GLOWWORM BETA DEMO AVAILABLE, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACK:
jason p sage
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Posted: 20th Feb 2009 04:16
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2009 04:36 Edited at: 24th Mar 2009 02:08
thanks, just to say the bugs are fixed and i am NOT SURE if its been uploaded as the ftp on the website was playing up :p

to be safe, download after money night, and v1.0 (all bugs fixed) will be available.

already downloaded the game? a smaller patch file will be available after monday night too

will keep you posted!

SORRY i meant v0.9, before it was v0.9b ...

you can download the patch or the whole game from!

SMAAD presents GOD (Glory Of Dementia).. wierd music... and games... GLOWWORM BETA DEMO AVAILABLE, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACK:
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Posted: 26th Mar 2009 18:19
played it and its pretty good. I find the jumpnrun-style levels much better than the one on one fight levels, theyre a bit boring, also because the enenmy AI isnt the best. I managed to beat 1-4 but nothing happened, i guess the next one isnt finished yet.
good music btw!

keep on coding !

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Posted: 26th Mar 2009 18:30
its 100% completable, the guantlet levels are unlocked by completing part -1, -2, -3 to a certain number of medals.

The future adaption of the game will be more fun in the deathamtch's, and the game modes wil be split into seperate leagues... e.g. a guantlet league, where you can play a particular game mode from start to finish without touching the others

also gonna have checkpoints in the gauntlets, and selectable difficulty for the challenges

glad you like it! x

SMAAD presents GOD (Glory Of Dementia).. wierd music... and games... GLOWWORM BETA DEMO AVAILABLE, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACK:
flashing snall
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2009 01:46
wow, very cool. Ive noticed a few bugs with worm spawning though, they dont always glow. Its pretty hard, just like you said.

I wish I had access to board 17.
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Posted: 2nd May 2009 00:04
Nice to see GlowWorm on the newsletter

The game has a slight share of bugs, but its fun to play. I completed it to 100%, took me 2 nights on co-op play.

Looking to add many new features as i am now back on the internet and happily in my new place, so stay tuned!

Stay up to date with the new features on the smaad forums:

SMAAD presents GOD (Glory Of Dementia).. wierd music... and games... GLOWWORM BETA DEMO AVAILABLE, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACK:

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