from what i can see just by glancing at it he's trying create a menu.
I'll take a look at it soon as i get a chance to download your media
I don't see why you commented out his load object commends. I mean the code is to help him out so he's gona need that in his code and he might not know well enough to uncomment them if you can understand what I'm saying. He did say he was rather new.
Put this code inside the do loop
mousey() = my
mousex() = mx
mousez() = mz
Load object "Media\kanto\new.x" ,1 : position object 1,0,-1,3
Load object "Media\aukko\exit.x",2 : position object 2,2,0,0
Load object "Media\aukko\load.x",3 : position object 3,-2,0,0
yrotate object 2, 170
yrotate object 3, 80
sync on
sync rate 60
Color backdrop RGB(0,0,0)
mousey() = my
mousex() = mx
mousez() = mz
print "mousemovex "+str$(mousemovex())
print "mousemovey "+str$(mousemovey())
print "mousemovez "+str$(mousemovez())
print "mouse position x "+str$(mousex())
print "mouse position y "+str$(mousey())
print "mouse position z "+str$(mousez())
if my > object position y(1) and mx > object position x(1)
scale object 1,100,100,100
yrotate object 1, object angle y (1)-0.9
set cursor 295,20
print "New file"
scale object 1,80,80,80
Like so
and may I suggest positioning and pointing the camera correctly or else all your going to see is a black screen most likely.
The code for that is
Position Camera 0,-10,-10,-10 : Point Camera 0,0,0,0
Alternatively you can create your own camera with Make Camera and then the camera number. 0 is just the default camera.
The code for when the mouse is on top of the new file object still isn't working right. I'll see what I can do.
I was therefore I can be.