if you like...Its not tabbed atm cause its pretty short..
set display mode 800,600, 32
sync on
sync rate 60
backdrop on
color backdrop 0
rem properties of each tile
Type Tile
img as integer
rem properties of the map system
Type SystemVariables
mapWidth as integer
mapHeight as integer
viewWidth as integer
viewHeight as integer
Global System as SystemVariables
rem how big each tile is (tiles are square so we
rem only need to define 1 number)
System.size = 32
rem make sure we're reading from the correct chunk of DATA
restore Level1
rem number of tiles across and down of the map
read System.mapWidth
read System.mapHeight
rem dimensions of our viewport in number of tiles
System.viewWidth = screen width()/ System.size
System.viewHeight = screen height()/ System.size
rem define the map array
Dim map( System.mapWidth , System.mapHeight) as Tile
rem load some map tiles
load image "tiles.bmp", 1
load image "tiles2.bmp", 2
rem load map data
for y = 1 to System.mapHeight
for x = 1 to System.mapWidth
read Map(x,y).img
next x
next y
Who you chose to be around you, lets you know who you are.