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Newcomers DBPro Corner / BEST SITE FOR NEWBIES

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Joined: 30th Aug 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 3rd Nov 2002 11:05

I'd just like to say that there is a very nice site out there for newbies (and experts alike), run by me

At the moment, most of the tutorials are for beginners, the reason for this is because most of my time recently, has been taken up on a big project for the site.


I am writing, a full, online course for DarkBASIC Professional newbies. Each individual lesson will go over, in detail, a certain aspect of the language. When you complete the course, you should (or WILL) be confident about making a game/application. I know for a fact that newbies will find this VERY helpful.
There will also be a support base for people who are on the course, so that they can contact me, or a forum moderator, about any problems they come across, or if they are stuck.

I want this course to be a success, however, for that to happen, i MUST have input from you people out there. If any newbies are reading this, i would suggest that you visit this site: , add it to your favourites, and check back regularly. There is also a forum, and a mailing list to sign up to if you wish.
Thankyou for reading, and I hope you find my site useful!

See you soon.

(the course will be done soon - but please contribute!)
D Man
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Joined: 3rd Oct 2002
Location: Germany
Posted: 3rd Nov 2002 11:42
Sounds good .

"If you can't make it good
make it look good."
Bill Gates
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Joined: 16th Oct 2002
Posted: 5th Nov 2002 08:26
Well done Black Rat. I'll be visiting quite a few times.

The Darthster
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Joined: 25th Sep 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 6th Nov 2002 01:11
Looks good, except it doesn't support 800x600 resolution, making it hard to read the text (having to scroll across all the time). I might submit some tutorials if I have time. I think as well as tutorials on how to write code, there should be maths tutorials for those people who don't know the power of sin and cos, amongst other things.
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Joined: 30th Oct 2002
Location: United States
Posted: 7th Nov 2002 23:59
Thanks for the site! I am brand spankin' new to DBpro, and I found your tutorials very helpful. I will be looking forward to seeing many more!

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