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2D All the way! / create animated sprite crops 2p border

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Joined: 24th Nov 2002
Location: Switzerland
Posted: 3rd Aug 2003 14:38

I have loaded a 256x128 image and cut it into 2 frames using create animated sprite.

The problem is that create animated sprite is leaving out a 2 pixel border when cutting it up, then it resizes the croped image to 128 again.

Is this a bug?
Retired Moderator
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Joined: 11th Sep 2002
Location: In my moon base
Posted: 3rd Aug 2003 14:43
Yes, and the more you cut it up, the worse it gets.

It's been posted in the Bug Forum
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Joined: 24th Nov 2002
Location: Switzerland
Posted: 3rd Aug 2003 16:01
Ok, Thanks
Guess I should have check the bugs forum before posting...

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