Here's how I did it with a trigger zone. The trigger zone uses the
plrinzoneactivateused.fpi in it's main. In the ifused parameter put in the name of the window you want shattered.
In the window's main script parmaemter of the AI Scripts put in the following code:
;Artificial Intelligence Script
desc = Window Destroyed when player enters trigger zone
;End of Script
This will run the destroy script so leave it alone. Nothing is necessary for the window's appear script either.
For some reason, if you destroy the window in the "Start" or "Main" parameter of the AI Scripts the window will not shatter; at least that is what I found. However running the destroy script on the condition met by the main script will show the glass shattering. Otherwise it simply disappears.
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The past has a lot of memories to hold onto; but, today is chock full of new adventures, and, the future shouts out, "The best is yet to come!" -- TerryC