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Program Announcements / Uberpong - just a simple pong game I was happy to actually finish

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Posted: 14th Feb 2009 02:24 Edited at: 14th Feb 2009 02:31
I love the feeling of actually finishing a program, and here it is : Uberpong. =D

omg i just found a funny as bug in my program, only it makes the game more fun! if you hit the ball with the top of your paddle, its 'captures' it, and you can hold it in the paddle - to launch it off again you have to just move up and down erratically =P i was playing with my bro and thats probably the best way to win lol - have fun!


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Posted: 14th Feb 2009 02:30
Congrats on finishing it... but what's with everything having the word "Uber" in front of it these days?

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Posted: 14th Feb 2009 02:32
lol just something i do

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Posted: 14th Feb 2009 03:29
Ehh, I didn't really get the chance to play. I started a game, the ball hit the top of the AI's paddle right away and got stuck and he just moved up and down for about 30 seconds before I quit out.

feiting shadow
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Posted: 14th Feb 2009 08:08 Edited at: 14th Feb 2009 08:12
heh, yeah that bug seems to be true for the ai also... behind is another way the ball gets stuck... had same issue here as Andrew... wrote a pong game in C++ and never had that bug... collision was the same type Andre' LaMothe describes in WGPFD 1st ed.... simple math anyway. Have yet to check your code out to see what it is.

Edit: Change Ballvelox = 0-Ballvelox to ballvelox = -1 * Ballvelox in the collision area. I believe that might be the culprit but I'm only 50 percent sure on that.

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Posted: 15th Feb 2009 02:36
hm shouldnt that be the exact same thing?

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Posted: 19th Feb 2009 14:25
Nice game!

Quote: "Congrats on finishing it... but what's with everything having the word "Uber" in front of it these days?"

"Uber", or "über" is German, and means "over". So, we have an "Over pong" or "Over Engine" or "Over Terrain"...

This is just my opinion, but I think it kind of ruins the name of your latest work...


Peachy, and the Chaos of the Gems

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Posted: 20th Feb 2009 05:06
Lol! i never knew that! well i meant it as we use it these days, as slang for awesome or the like. meh, just pong anyway.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2009 07:02
Quote: ""Uber", or "über" is German, and means "over". So, we have an "Over pong" or "Over Engine" or "Over Terrain"..."

Yeah, I knew that, which made me think why so many people use it...

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Posted: 20th Feb 2009 13:05 Edited at: 20th Feb 2009 13:07
Only 2 people use it as far as i know (well theres a few other Uber projects being made by other people inside Blitzwerks)

UberTerrain was called UberTerrain because it was originally programmed in UberEngine and recently has been rewritten as a standalone.

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Posted: 11th Mar 2009 09:35
omg on the first try the bug started.. but wow... it stucked back of the AI so realy stuck

btw Nice game! Gratz!

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Was SuperKid , now AlexZinn
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Posted: 11th Mar 2009 10:31
lol thanks

feiting shadow
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Posted: 13th Mar 2009 02:01
Eh, it's not the same thing because when ball velocity is subtracted you're risking it to become zero, thus stopping the ball's X movement. Unsure why I never clicked on this after your response till now... weird.

Multiplication by negative 1 ensures you will return the ball, and not stop it.

You have to do stuff like that, 'cause even adding a if value > 0 then value = 0 1000 times in a loop will not stop it from ending up at 1. I've personally experienced this writing object selection code for my map editor experimentations. Error checking is very useful.

Also the natural, nonliteral translation of ueber (über, hold the alt key then hit numpad 0252 for the easy way to type it) is Super, or Above. In other words, a super program, or better-than ish type of terrain. "My über weapon can beat your überwaffen".

In any case, Deutsch er-selbst ist über1337 und jeder soll der Sprachen lernen. Aber er ist auch ganz benutzenlos weger alle das Deutsch sprechen English sprechen kann. Wie Japanisch. heh

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Posted: 15th Mar 2009 03:40 Edited at: 15th Mar 2009 03:40

"I have faith, that I shall win the race, even though I have no legs, and am tied to a tree." ~Mark75

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