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Dark GDK .NET / Help with Drawing Class

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Joined: 14th Feb 2009
Posted: 14th Feb 2009 15:04
I have just purchased and have tried to draw some grahics on the display using the Drawing.Dot(x,y,color) method but nothing appears on the screen. All the basic tutorial stuff works fine so I was wondering if there was anything different I am supposed to do to use this Drawing class.
The code I am trying is this:

Public Class Application

Public Shared Sub GameLoop()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer

While Engine.LoopGDK()
x = Core.Random(640)
y = Core.Random(480)
Drawing.Dot(x, y, Color.Blue)

End While
End Sub
End Class

I have tried using the dot method with just x and y and setting up the Ink method just in case but still no output.
Any help would be appreciated
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Joined: 12th Nov 2005
Posted: 15th Feb 2009 03:01
There are two problems. First of all, a single dot doesn't show up well in windowed mode for some reason. Secondly, you are drawing one dot in a random place on every loop cycle.

Here is a similar program that draws 50 random dots that stay in one place:

Design documents?!? What design documents??? I thought we were just going to wing it!!!

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