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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / How to control a machine.

Eduardo Henrique
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Location: Brazil
Posted: 15th Feb 2009 02:46
Dear friends,
I do a simulator for excavators. I use just math to do all. But now I want to use physics..
Se a demo in
But to do this I need to control a joint angle, as I do with the limb angles. But when Im using phy I cant control...
Anybody know how I can control a joint ? I try using
phy set revolute joint limit
but this dont work... I need to control like kinematics, manualy, but control a joint angle...
Anybody know how to do this ???
For example, if you have a thank, and you need to set position of the cannon using a number. Ex 30 degrees... If I aply a force I can move this, but how to go directly to 30deg ???

Thanks !!!
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Posted: 15th Feb 2009 11:54
A question

1. Are you using a 3D model with limbs?

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Eduardo Henrique
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Posted: 15th Feb 2009 14:55
For this test no.
I already use, but my machine have some pieces like pistons (its a excavator) and I cant solve the problem to move all automaticly with limbs. The Im now using just math. With math I calculate the 3d point of the correct point on arm1 and arm2 where the hydraulic piston touch and put one object at one pointed to other.
The new version of math use euler's rotation to do this.
This: use just vectors calculations.
and This: use Euler's rotation.
Now Im thinking to implement Euler to ES. But if I can solve this problem with physics will be very easy.
Very thanks,

Bit9 -
Eduardo Henrique
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Posted: 25th Feb 2009 02:57
Im back to Euler...
I cant control using joints and physicx.
Im afraid thats its impossible.
If possible, its a big chalenge...

Bit9 -

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