Taken from fpsFREE.com
;Artificial Intelligence Script
; by xplosys
;You should set the ambiance settings in the first "state=0"
;line to whatever your game settings are, or just let the
;trigger zone set the levels ambiance.
;Goes dark when player steps in zone. Change the numbers to suite.
desc = Dark in Zone
;End of Script
Assign this to a zone and make it the size of the area you want to be dark.
The first state=0 line is for when the player is not in the zone. You should set the values to whatever your game settings are so that when the player leaves the zone, the lighting goes back to what it was.
Also, if you only wanted it to happen once you could destroy the zone after one use.
;Artificial Intelligence Script
; by xplosys
;You should set the ambiance settings in the "state=1"
;line to whatever your game settings are, or just let the
;trigger zone set the levels ambiance.
;Goes dark when player steps in zone. Change the numbers to suite.
desc = Dark in Zone Once
;End of Script
In this case you would set the values of state=1 to whatever your game settings are so that when the player leaves the zone, the lighting goes back to what it was.