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Program Announcements / Portal Demo

Blobby 101
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2009 11:47 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2009 12:02
Hey! I've been working on a portal demo/test (like in the game Portal) and I thought that I would post here to get people's opinions on it. Now - although this is mostly finished I will probably add a few extra things to it although I will be later developing it into a game.


Portals correctly show the view out of the other portal
You can walk through portals


you can't place portals at the moment (they are fixed in place) but i'm working on it and hopefully will have that working soon.


EDIT: just changed the file to a zip to make it more available for people



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Posted: 22nd Feb 2009 15:21 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2009 15:23
It may sound weird, but as I was going through a portal, I could tell it was a 2d image, with the perspective not quite right, and apart from this and there being no collision on the level, it is pretty good. One thing though: in my game, i am trying to make a "scope" which is a camera placed onto a circle so it is zoomed in, but it really lags it but this demo with lots more cameras doesn't lag. Could you give me tips?
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2009 15:45 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2009 21:57
@ blobby 101
I should have known you'd make a PA for your demo. xD

@ Others
What blobby didn't mension was that I was working on a portal demo simultaniously, so I'm going to post mine here too, seeing as they're like, the same project.
The differences are:
1. My map is collidable
2. My portals can be placed (using the left and right mouse buttons)
3. My portals are round
4. My portals have perspective corection (but that doesn't necessarily mean it works properly)
5. You can't go through my portals

Picture for proof that I'm not just trying to disrupt blobby's thread:

Download mine here:


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Blobby 101
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2009 17:05
@Prasoc: well, I'm not entirely sure but one thing me and Cowbox found while making our demos was that using cameras 0,1 and 2 didn't work right (we needed 2 additional cameras for the portals). We had to use cameras 2 and 3 (camera 1 appears to be broken when using more than 2 separate cameras). This probs won't help you if your using only 1 additional camera but you could always try changing the camera number you are using in case that helps.

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2009 20:10 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2009 22:00
@ prasoc
Your method may also affect the speed of performance.

Blobby didn't try this, because his portals were square, but in making mine circular I experimented with pasting the camera's views onto bitmaps, and saving the bitmaps to images and texturing the plains. - This method of using bitmaps is considerabley slower compared to setting the cameras to image.

Also, when setting the camera to an image, if you're using it for something simple like a scope, you shouldn't have the resolution (capture area) too large. The portals in mine are 1024x1024 and ran well, but for something as small as a scope on a gun, I'd use maybe 32x32 or 64x64.

I hope either what Blobby or I said helps.
Blobby 101
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2009 21:11 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2009 21:17
@cowbox, 32*32 or 64*64 for something that will take up the whole screen?! that would be soo low quality (at least, i assume that's what prasoc meant when he said a scope, the big full screen zoomed in bit like on a sniper rifle.)

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2009 21:15
@ blobby 101
Oh I thought he meant the scope on an unzoomed-in sniper rifle, with the camera's picture showing a reflection of what's behind him.

Why would you use a seperate camera with an image for a sniper rifle's zoomed-in scope? - Why not just do what Soharix does and change the FOV of camera 0. xD
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 21:33
Quote: "I experimented with pasting the camera's views onto bitmaps, and saving the bitmaps to images and texturing the plains."

So the whole time the game is running, you save 2 images to the HardDisk 60 times per second?! Now THAT would blow my old laptop into pieces... (Tell me if I'm wrong)

Peachy, and the Chaos of the Gems

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 23:34
@ TheComet
I don't think either technique saves anything to the harddisk.

Using set camera to image and paste image onto bitmap most likely just use graphics card memory.

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Posted: 4th Mar 2009 12:32
Ah, I thought you were getting the image, pasting to bitmap, saving bitmap to hard disk, and then re-loading it into an image... well that is all fine then

Peachy, and the Chaos of the Gems

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Posted: 4th Mar 2009 13:58
@ TheComet
Hah, no don't worry, Soharix isn't that mean to people's computers. xD
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Posted: 8th Mar 2009 00:43
hahaha i accidently did that in my paint program once i didn't set a switch for the save button and so i pressed it and held it and my computer froze... long story short i got back on and had 600 images of the same thing whoops hahaha

anyways this looks awesome i loved the original portal so this should be great!
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2009 23:29 Edited at: 24th Mar 2009 03:40
@ C0wbox & blobby 101
don't take this the wrong but why don't you both work as a team on this?

I've had a go but both demo's and see good on both founts, if you both worked together the out come would be twice as good.

and if you both need help with textures and physic etc I would be more then willing to help you both.

you could make a good game by your self, as a team you could make a grate game.

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Posted: 24th Mar 2009 00:33
In case this helps, there is a variable in the internal DBPro camera structure which allows you to specify the clipping plane to use for a camera. This would allow you to do 'perfect' portals

When I get time, I would be happy to write a plugin to expose this member to normal DBPro code, so if you want me to, email or MSN me

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Posted: 24th Mar 2009 02:55
@ sindore
Quote: "why don't you both work as a team on this?"

Hah, sindore, we are part of a team. But as individuals decided we'd just see if we could individually code a portal-type engine.

We weren't planning on making anything major, as we're both working on 2 or 3 major Soharix projects. These portal demos were just minor tests to compare our coding skills.

@ Diggsey
With regards to the fact that neither blobby or I are working on these anymore, I would still like to see what you've proposed here in action (as I'm not sure what you mean by a perfect portal) xD
Blobby 101
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Posted: 24th Mar 2009 21:02
Yes, Cowbox is right, This is something that might possibly get worked into a future game, it might not. It was really just a kind of competition thing between us. Cowbox won XD.

And yeh, Diggsey, tell us more about that Variable, it sounds interesting/useful.


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