I made a custom character in milkshape 3d:
animation specs:
1,22 Walking cycle 1 (normal)
24,48 Walking cycle 2 (covering head)
50,68 Die 1
70,90 Die 2
92,112 Attack 1 (Slash)
114,128 Attack 2 (head butt)
130,150 Idle 1
152,172 Idle 2
and created this fpi for it:
desc =zombie slash
and this is the fpe:
;header resevild zombie (right handed)
desc = resevild zombie (slash)
aiinit = appear1.fpi
aimain = peopleresevild.fpi
aidestroy = destroyfadecorpse.fpi
aishoot =
soundset = male
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = resevild.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
scale = 90
fixnewy =
;cone of sight
coneheight = 53
coneangle = 50
textured = resevild.tga
effect =
decalmax = 2
decal0 = red
decal1 = blood
;identity details
strength = 50
ischaracter = 1
hasweapon =
isobjective = 0
cantakeweapon = 0
;bodypartslimbinfo (1=head/2=body/3+4=armslr/5+6=legslr)
limbmax = 0
animmax = 100
anim0 = 190,209
anim1 = 130,150
anim2 = 1,22
anim3 = 260,279
anim4 = 280,299
anim5 = 300,318
anim6 = 319,355
anim7 = 160,189
anim11 = 50,68
anim12 = 20,39
anim13 = 493,522
anim14 = 40,59
anim15 = 60,79
anim16 = 523,552
anim17 = 120,139
anim18 = 140,159
anim20 = 80,99
anim21 = 100,119
anim31 = 356,380
anim32 = 381,405
anim33 = 381,405
anim34 = 381,405
anim35 = 381,405
anim36 = 406,442
anim40 = 443,462
anim41 = 463,492
anim50 = 553,572
anim51 = 573,597
anim52 = 598,622
anim53 = 623,642
anim54 = 643,662
anim55 = 663,681
anim56 = 682,731
anim57 = 160,189
anim61 = 0,19
anim62 = 20,39
anim63 = 882,911
anim64 = 40,59
anim65 = 60,79
anim66 = 912,941
anim67 = 120,139
anim68 = 140,159
anim70 = 80,99
anim71 = 100,119
anim81 = 732,756
anim82 = 757,781
anim83 = 757,781
anim84 = 757,781
anim85 = 757,781
anim86 = 782,831
anim90 = 832,851
anim91 = 852,881
anim92 = 92,112
Then I put the fpi in the scriptbank\people folder and the rest of the folder in entitybank\user.
When I test the game the character only follows me around pushes me back, it does idle ok, walks ok, and plays the death animation ok, but it does not attack or cause damage at all, maybe is the way I matched the animation or the animation cycles order, can anybody help me please?
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